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Vodia PBX

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Everything posted by Vodia PBX

  1. In the mailbox settings for the extension you find the control about the email notification when the extension has a new voicemail or FAX, and also CDR reports for that extension. As administrator, there are several notifications like the rejection of a new call that are sent to the admin account. And we have the daily notification about the graphs that you also see in the web interface.
  2. We also have a Gigaset phone in our office . We would love to provision it, but the way they "encrypt" their configuration files cannot be rendered on the fly with the PBX.
  3. You should automatically provision the phone ("plug and play"), then all the settings should be correct. If you have done that, try the PCAP feature on the phone to see if the RTP packets appear on port 4000 of the phone.
  4. Vodia PBX


    WebRTC on Apple is not the problem; you can install e.g. Chrome or Firefox on Apple products and use WebRTC. The problem is Safari where we are waiting for WebRTC. The problem might go a little deeper; if you are writing apps for iOS that run WebRTC embedded in the JS environment, I believe it will also not support WebRTC. That is why the Vodia Android App supports "talking" while a iOS app does not (and that is why we don't have it yet).
  5. I think the problem is that the version 5.5 expects that you run a newer firmware, snom_fireware.xml contains a link to Are you using PnP to configure the phone?
  6. Looking at http://wiki.snom.com/Settings/using_server_managed_dnd it might be that the firmware version is just too old for this?
  7. Media encryption is not in a perfect world. The way it was designed with the "Roll over counter" made it hard to implement it without having to guess what the counter value is. SRTP seems to be stable with the implementations that we know, but SRTCP still is a problem with some phone types. For example, if the SDP negotiations between the PBX and the phone agrees on 32-bit MAC, the SRTP packet still must use 80 bit. That might be the problem here. The next software update for the phones might solve the problem (which phones are you using). The good news is that SRTCP is not essential and you can still talk.
  8. I remember there was a privacy issue doing that. I know there might be an easy way to bypass it by clicking on "switch to user mode"; however we might want to disable that feature some time. We had another security feature that the last 4 digits of the caller-ID should not be shown to the admin, which is a similar problem.
  9. What you can do is to create symbolic links e.g. for the recordings directory, so that all large files are on the SD card and the rest is locally on the eMMC.
  10. Technically it is possible for sure. You should check https://vodia.com/en/mplan what versions are covered by each license if you are not sure.
  11. Check out http://vodia.com/doc/install_linux this includes Rasperry Pi. 10 extensions should be no problem.
  12. There should be something like "json". Or just PM us a login...
  13. This is indeed a royal pain. We took a brief look at it... If you want to keep track of all holidays of all states, countries well that will keep you busy for some time. E.g. in Germany each state has its own holidays, and there are 14 of them. And then there are company holidays. In the US there are government holidays too, which means some offices are open and others are closed. That is where we gave up on the idea of a drop down. I agree it would be great if there would be some kind of public API available that provides that information; but I have not seen it so far. Parsing HTML is not an option...
  14. I looks a little like the numbers are not sorted numerically, but as strings, where "3" is bigger than "29". But I was not able to see that in our system over here. It would be awesome if you could give me the JSON that the PBX sends to the web browser so that we can see if that could be the case (browser "inspect" in Chrome) in a private message.
  15. My first guess would be problems with the routing and/or the router. What you can do is to install Wireshark, run it and wait until it happens (possibly filtering for the involved IP addresses). Then you can look into the SIP and RTP packet, which usually provides the needed insight what the problem is. Of course it makes sense to upgrade V5 has a feature where you can generate Wireshark PCAP files for trunks and extensions, making those searches a lot easier and faster.
  16. A workaround would be to use the CSV list ("Click here to download the list of users" at the bottom of the page). It is not as pretty as HTML; but you should be able to see the information there. It is currently not there, but we could add this in the next version.
  17. Ok, next version will have a 'title' which shows the position of the extension.
  18. Should be in the domain setting where the CDR URL is...
  19. There was a problem, problem should be solved now.
  20. In 5.5.0 there was a change with the CDR. Now you can set the maximum per domain. Maybe you should try to do that and see if that solved the problem already.
  21. CDR are always deleted by the first-in-first-out principle. That means the oldest records get deleted when there are new records added. Every time it adds a record it deletes only a few records (10 I believe), so that a change in the CDR size does not cause a major table scan operation. Unless you do something on the file system (e.g. making CDR records read only) this would work fine.
  22. I don't think so. There is "company" which returns the domain name, but no "Position". Is there a valid/common LDAP name for that?
  23. When you are in the outbound calling list, you should be able to use # to take the number off the callback list and * to move it to the back. # is used after the call was successfully done, and * for unsuccessful tries (e.g. hit the mailbox).
  24. Well the classical case is when an incoming call gets redirected to the cell phone. There are other cases like redirecting to an external voicemail box, and redirection loops.
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